Tag Archives: vsphere7

vSphere7 Pod Service Security

In the first introductory meetings I have with partners, I will admit to a bit of “salesmanship” saying over-simply that pods are running “directly on the ESXi kernel” along-side VM’s.  The problem is that neither Pods nor VM’s run “directly on the ESXi kernel.”

ESXi is not Linux… but containers must run on a linux kernel!?  Continue reading

Introducing the VMware Tanzu Portfolio


New infrastructure architectures have always followed the demands of new application architectures.  The rise of the public cloud IaaS answered the need to take applications virtualized on discreet VM’s and move them to a new shared platform.  Now, with applications being natively written to take advantage of the scale of the cloud, the packaging and execution of these highly distributed microservices based applications by the infrastructure is changing again in response. Continue reading

Tanzu Information Links to Great Content

Current (Virtual) Events and Webinars

General Information

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