Category Archives: Tanzu

Tanzu Advanced edition addresses the real point of IT

What was the point of IT again? Why are we doing all of this? We’re doing all of this work, in order to get applications, software, code in the hands of our customers.

That’s ultimately what IT shops are all about, and what this vendor ecosystem is all about. What partners do is help get software running, and put that functionality into the hands of our customers’ customers, so that our customers can make money.

Software is becoming no longer, “This thing that is running in support of the business.” Now software is becoming the business, right?

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Tanzu Connect Partner Webinar Series Episodes

The amazing Karin Bash and I host the VMware Tanzu Connect partner webinar series for VMware partners that want to stay current on the VMware Tanzu portfolio of products. Every week we host a 30-45 minute session on a topic relevant to VMware partners selling the Tanzu portfolio.

Sign up for the webinar here! (you must have a VMware PartnerConnect login!)

Episode Archive

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vSphere7 Pod Service Security

In the first introductory meetings I have with partners, I will admit to a bit of “salesmanship” saying over-simply that pods are running “directly on the ESXi kernel” along-side VM’s.  The problem is that neither Pods nor VM’s run “directly on the ESXi kernel.”

ESXi is not Linux… but containers must run on a linux kernel!?  Continue reading

Introducing the VMware Tanzu Portfolio


New infrastructure architectures have always followed the demands of new application architectures.  The rise of the public cloud IaaS answered the need to take applications virtualized on discreet VM’s and move them to a new shared platform.  Now, with applications being natively written to take advantage of the scale of the cloud, the packaging and execution of these highly distributed microservices based applications by the infrastructure is changing again in response. Continue reading

Tanzu Information Links to Great Content

Current (Virtual) Events and Webinars

General Information

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Log Metrics and Log Data

There is a role for both in a cloud native world.

While you can send log data directly to Wavefront, the primary use case there is to convert logs into metrics. VMware Log Insight can do some of this as well, but is a better place to data mine the log data.

Metrics and log monitoring are complementary. If you embrace the power of tracking everything that moves in your environment, then you’ve added instrumentation to likely thousands of places across your codebase.

Metrics give you an aggregated view over this instrumentation, and Wavefront can derive metrics from the log stream. Logs give you information about every single request or event, and the log data can be archived in log data mining tools for root cause analysis, debugging, and troubleshooting. Continue reading