I’ve been playing around with my skillz in python, puppet, OpenStack, deployment methods, etc for a few weeks. Here’s a small example of deploying OpenStack in a non-production environment (no hardening or customization of any kind) in 20 mins. Maybe it’ll help you in your self education.
For testing purposes I use a service provider called Digital Ocean. I’m sure what they do is competitive to all things EMC, so this is not an endorsement. They do, however have VERY CHEAP costs if you’re just doing testing (on the order of < 1 penny per hour) with linux based services (again YMMV, I have no idea how good they are).
Now when I say 20 mins, that’s how long it takes for the procedures to run once you figure out what to do. I’ve spent a couple of days playing with the site, VM’s, python, devstack, etc. to get the procedure in place. That said, it took 20 mins of wall clock time to get OpenStack running from the devstack.org package on a single machine deployment (ie: not production ready).
At the end of this post is the python code to talk to the Digital Ocean API and deploy the instance. Since it’s not very sophisticated code, I just edit it directly to do what I want to do as opposed to passing command line arguments (list, deploy, destroy).
So, to get a VM I called ‘devstack’ I executed my little script with settings hard-coded:
The script returned the following output, parsed from the JSON response: devstack 1790811
Then I did the following to install OpenStack:
$ sudo echo " devstack" >> /etc/hosts $ ssh root@devstack # adduser stack # echo "stack ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers # apt-get install git # su - stack $ git clone https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack.git $ cd devstack && ./stack.sh
Output:lots of output from stack.sh...Horizon is now available at Keystone is serving at Examples on using novaclient command line is in exercise.sh The default users are: admin and demo The password: NOTFORYOUREYESTOSEE This is your host ip: stack.sh completed in 794 seconds.
Here is the python script I mentioned above, It’s not great, but maybe it’ll give you some idea how to talk JSON, and return results to an online API.
#!/usr/bin/pythonimport requests, json, pprint, time, socket, sys
## make the json call to the public api
def jsonRequest(targetUrl):
#set the headers for how we want the response
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json','accept':'application/json'}# make the actual request
r = requests.get(targetUrl, headers=headers, verify=False)#take the raw response text and deserialize it into a python object.
responseObj = json.loads(r.text)
print "Exception"
print r.text
#print json.dumps(responseObj, sort_keys=False, indent=2)
return responseObj################
## return list of instances
def getDroplets(apiKey, clientId):
#set the target url for the query
targetUrl = "https://api.digitalocean.com/v1/droplets/?client_id=%s&api_key=%s" % (clientId, apiKey)# make the actual request
resultList = jsonRequest(targetUrl)
return resultList['droplets']################
## Deploy a new instance
def deployDroplet(apiKey, clientId, hostName):
sizeId = '66' #smallest; 62 = 2GB Ram
imageId = '3240036' #ubuntu 64bit
regionId = '4' #NY region
sshKey1 = '153816' #brighs ssh key
sshKey2 = ''
privateNetworking = 'true' # create private network#set the target url for the query
targetUrl = "https://api.digitalocean.com/v1/droplets/new?client_id=%s&api_key=%s&name=%s&size_id=%s&image_id=%s®ion_id=%s&ssh_key_ids=%s,%s&private_networking=%s" % (clientId, apiKey, hostName, sizeId, imageId, regionId, sshKey1, sshKey2, privateNetworking)# make the actual request
responseObj = jsonRequest(targetUrl)
return responseObj['droplet']################
## destroty an instance
def destroyDroplet(apiKey, clientId, dropletId):
#set the target url for the query
targetUrl = "https://api.digitalocean.com/v1/droplets/%s/destroy/?client_id=%s&api_key=%s" % (dropletId, clientId, apiKey)# make the actual request
responseObj = jsonRequest(targetUrl)
return responseObj######################################
clientId = "GOGETYOUROWNCLIENID"droplets = getDroplets(apiKey, clientId)
for droplet in droplets:
#for key in droplet:
# print key
print "%s %s %s" % (droplet['ip_address'], droplet['name'], droplet['id'])
#print "destroying droplet %s" % (droplet['name'])
#destroyResult = destroyDroplet(apiKey, clientId, droplet['id'])
#print destroyResult['status']#droplet = deployDroplet(apiKey, clientId, 'devstack')
#print "%s %s" % (droplet['name'], droplet['id'])
#deployDroplet(apiKey, clientId, 'tester4')
#deployDroplet(apiKey, clientId, 'tester5')
#destroyDroplet(apiKey, clientId, '1786240')